The application works in demo mode. Data change is blocked.

Manage application

The Administration module controls and manages the application.

  • Assign access rights
  • Control file upload
  • Create tasks
  • Manage users
  • Monitor logs
  • Optimize database
  • Send notifications

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is at the heart of security.

A user can be assigned one or more roles. Each role contains permissions that describe what can be done.
For example, create an object or access a module.

A rule can be imposed on a permission that determines whether the permission will be granted.
For example, if for permission to edit an object, impose a rule that checks whether the current user is the creator of the object, then only the author will have the right to edit.

By default, the Guest role is automatically assigned to anonymous users.

Remember to restart security system for your changes to take effect.